ECOCELL manufactures decentrally
dencentralized production eliminates large transport of air
The raw material to manufacture all ECOCELL products and the CONCRETE HONEYCOMB is corrugated cardboard. Since this consists of air for 90%, transport should be avoided for cost and environmental reasons.
Production directly behinde corrugated cardboard plants
The industrial production of the CONCRETE HONEYCOMB and of the HONEYCOMB COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION BOARDS must therefore take place directly after corrugated cardboard production.
Annually used of 7.5 million m2 corrugated cardboard for each ECOCELL production plant
One ECOCELL production site with a capacity to produce ECOCELL CONSTRUCTION BOARDS for 2,000-3,000 residential units requires around 7,500,000 m2 of corrugated cardboard (in two-layer KK wave) per year. This corresponds to a production level by 5-10% of the production output of a new corrugated cardboard plant.
Corrugated cardboard factories are available all around the world
No investments in new corrugated cardboard factories are needed, as corrugated cardboard plants are available all around the world and.
New business field for the paper and cardboard industry
ECOCELL is opening a new business opportunity for the paper and corrugated cardboard industry.

New Silk Road: an opportunity for new innovative building products
The New Silk Road also offers new opportunities for ECOCELL and the newly developed HONEYCOMB COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION BOARDS (e.g. bamboo or magnesium oxide panels) from China can be directly combined with ECOCELL CONCRETE HONEYCOMB to form composite panels.
Since the CONCRETE HONEYCOMB consist of air for 90%, the majority of the volume is only formed here in Europe, produced and sold locally. ECOCELL licensed factories could through this have the benefits to produce directly along the New Silk Road to serve the new regional markets with standardised HONEYCOMB COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION BOARDS.